Jabberwocky for Android Released!


Swiftable Announces Jabberwocky Accessibility App for Users with ALS or Spinal Cord Injury

December 4, 2019 at 9:00 AM EST

A Jabberwocky user controls their phone with head movement

New on Android | Jabberwocky Touch-Free Accessibility - Available for Free

DENVER—Dec. 4, 2019—Today, Swiftable announced the new Jabberwocky app for Android that controls your entire device with just head movement and facial gestures. Users perform taps and complex real-time swipe gestures by just moving their head and never touching the screen.

“Our mission is to enable independence by unlocking devices that were previously inaccessible to users with ALS, spinal cord injury, or other motor impairments. We strive to make it as intuitive, effortless, and, dare I say, fun, as the traditional way of using a device,” said Aaron Chavez, CEO of Swiftable.

The Jabberwocky accessibility service provides access to email, games, internet, video, and all existing Android apps. It uses the device’s front-facing camera and Google’s Augmented Reality (AR) technology to track head movement and display a cursor where the user’s nose is pointing on the screen. When the user quickly opens and closes their mouth a tap is performed at the location of the cursor. To swipe or perform complex real-time gestures, the user opens their mouth and drags the cursor across the screen with head movement, and then closes their mouth.

“As my dad’s ALS got worse, he lost the hand control needed to use his computer and mobile devices. When we found out about the Jabberwocky app that is controlled by head movement, for the first time in months he was able to check his emails and read the news. The smile on his face when he was able to do those things again for himself was amazing. I can’t thank the people at Jabberwocky enough for giving him back a bit of control over his life,” said Matthew Smitherman.

Jabberwocky Touch-Free Accessibility is available today on the Google Play Store for free at play.google.com by searching for the keyword “Jabberwocky”.

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